21 From the Contemplations of Anastasius Sinaita, who flourished A.D. 685. Harvey doubts as to this fragment being a genuine production of Irenaeus; and its whole style of reasoning confirms the suspicion.

22 Matt. xv. 17.

23 Gen. iii. 19.

24 The Greek reads the barbarous word aqricia, which Massuet thinks is a corruption of aqanansia, immortality. We have, however, followed the conjecture of Harvey, who would substitute aplhcia, which seems to agree better with the context.

25 This and the eight following fragments may be referred to the Miscellaneous Dissertations of our author; see note on Frag. ix. They are found in three mss.MSS; . in the Imperial Collection at Paris, on the Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, and Ruth.

26 Num. xxiv. 23.

27 Isa. ix. 1.

28 Compare the statement of Clemens Romanus (page 6 of this volume), where, speaking of St. Paul, he says: "After preaching both in the east and west . . . . having taught righteousness to the whole world, and come to the extreme limit of the west."

29 See Judg. vi. 27. It is not very clear how Irenaeus makes out this allegory, but it is thought that he refers to the initial letter in the name Ihsouj, which stands for ten in the Greek enumeration. Compare the Epistle of Barnabas, cap. ix. p. 143, of this volume.

30 Num. xxvii. 18.

31 Harvey conceives the reading here (which is doubtful) to have been ton neon siton, the new wheat; and sees an allusion to the wave-sheaf of the new corn offered in the temple on the morning of our Lord's resurrection.

32 Josh. v. 12.

33 Massuet seems to more than doubt the genuineness of this fragment and the next, and would ascribe them to the pen of Apollinaris, bishop of Hierapolis in Phrygia, a contemporary of Irenaeus. Harvey passes over these two fragments.

34 Num. xxvii. 23.

35 Num. xxvii. 20.

36 Num. xxii. 12.

37 The conjectural emendation of Harvey has been adopted here, but the text is very corrupt and uncertain.

38 Num. xxii. 22, 23.

39 From one of the mss.MSS; . Stieren would insert en tw idiw swmati, in His own body; see 1 Pet. ii. 24.

40 Num. xxiii. 19.

41 Num. xxxi. 3.

42 Num xxxi. 16.

43 Num xxxi. 8.

44 It is not certain from what work of Irenaeus this extract is derived; Harvey thinks it to be from his work peri episthmhj, i.e., concerning Knowledge.

45 Lev. xxvi. 12.

46 Judg. xvi. 26.

47 2 Kings vi. 6. Comp. book v. chap. xvii. 4.

48 Matt. xxvii. 52.

49 Edited by P. Possin, in a Catena Patrum on St. Matthew. See book iii. chap. xi. 8.

50 From the same Catena. Compare book v. chap. xvii. 4.

51 Matt. iii. 10.

52 First edited in Latin by Corderius, afterwards in Greek by Grabe, and also by Dr. Cramer in his Catena on St. Luke.

53 Massuet's Fragment xxxii. is here passed over; it is found in book iii. chap. xviii. 7.

54 See Josephus' Antiquities, book ii. chap. x., where we read that this king's daughter was called Tharbis. Immediately upon the surrender of this city (Saba, afterwards called Meroë) Moses married her, and returned to Egypt. Whiston, in the notes to his translation of Josephus, says, "Nor, perhaps, did St. Stephen refer to anything else when he said of Moses, before he was sent by God to the Israelites, that he was not only learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, but was also mighty in words and in deeds" (Acts vii. 22).

55 Num. xii. 1, etc.

56 Num. xii. 14.

57 Harvey considers this fragment to be a part of the work of Irenaeus referred to by Photius under the title De Universo, or de Substantia Mundi. It is to be found in Codex 3011 of the Bodleian Library, Oxford.

58 This and the next fragment first appeared in the Benedictine edition reprinted at Venice, 1734. They were taken from a ms. . Catena on the book of Kings in the Coislin Collection.

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