10 Prov. xvi. 5 (LXX.).

11 Is. xiv. 13.

12 Ps. xliii. (xliv.) 25.

13 Phil. ii. 6-8.

14 S. Matt. xi. 29.

15 Exod. v. 2.

16 S. John viii. 55.

17 Ezek. xxix. 3. (LXX.)

18 S. John v. 30; xiv. 10.

19 S. Luke iv. 6.

20 2 Cor. viii. 9.

21 Is. x. 14.

22 Ps. ci. (cii.) 7, 8.

23 Is. xxxvii. 25.

24 S. Matt. xxvi. 53.

25 1 Cor. xv. 10.

26 Phil. ii. 13.

27 S. John xv. 5.

28 Ps. cxxvi. (cxxvii.) 1, 2.

29 Rom. ix. 16.

30 Quamvis ferventis et cupientis (Petschenig): Quamvis volentis et currentis (Gazaeus).

31 S. James i. 17.

32 1 Cor. iv. 7.

33 Cf. S. Luke xxiii. 40.

34 Cf. 2 Sam. xii. 13.

35 The language in this chapter is perilously near semi-Pelagianism, on which compare the Introduction p. 190, sq.

36 Ps. lxxxviii. (lxxxix.) 20.

37 S. Matt. vii. 7.

38 Ps. lxxxix. (xc.) 17.

39 Ps. lxvii. (lxiii.) 29.

40 S. John xiv. 10; v. 30.

41 Ex persona hominis assumpti. See the note on Against Nestorius, I. v.

42 Ps. cxvii. (cxviii.) 13, 14.

43 Ps. xciii. (xciv.) 17-19.

44 Ps. xvii. (xviii.) 20 sq.

45 Erexit (Petschenig). Gazaeus reads correxit, with the Vulgate.

46 Ps. xvii. (xviii.) 33 sq.

47 Gazaeus adds cornu after the Vulgate.

48 Ps. xliii. (xliv.) 6-8.

49 Ps. xvii. (xviii.) 40, 41.

50 Ps. xxxiv. (xxxv.) 2-4.

51 Ps. xvii. (xviii.) 35.

52 Ps. xliii. (xliv.) 4, 5.

53 Ps. xvii. (xviii.) 2-4.

54 The allusion is to the Pelagians. Cf. S. Jerome Contra Pelag. I. c. ix.; and in Jerem. c. xxv.; and S. Augustine De Gratia Christi contra Pelag.